

Discovering the sacred and holy in the world and one another through ministry, reflection, and study.

We realize everyone builds and strengthens their faith in different ways. As a result, we are passionate about creating an environment for everyone to find their own way of seeking a personal relationship with God. We do this by offering a diverse range of opportunities for worship, fellowship, and faith formation through study, reflection, and discussion.

Worship Carter is a diverse community of faith grounded in scripture, experience, tradition and reason. We meet for worship every Sunday in the sanctuary and we live-stream on Facebook.

Our service is a blend of both traditional and contemporary worship styles that we hope you find uplifting, fulfilling, and comfortable! To get a preview of what worshiping with us is like, click here to view an example of a recent service.

Small Groups The Carter Memorial UMC offers a wide range of education and fellowship activities understanding the varied needs of adults of all ages and at different places in their faith journeys.

Our engaging Sunday morning classes cover a diverse range of subjects and are taught at times as forums utilizing a DVD, guest speakers on current faith related subjects, focus teachings on various areas of the Bible and people of the faith such as John Wesley and C.S. Lewis.

Short term Bible studies and our ongoing book groups offer engaging opportunities to explore faith through scripture, historical fiction and inspired non-fiction works.

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Faith Formation Intergenerational Faith Formation opportunities are a vital component of the Carter experience. Sunday school classes, book groups, monthly "Faith Forums," retreats, and more guide those of all ages along their lifelong faith formation journeys.

Offering lifelong opportunities for those at all journeying points to "Seek" God.

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