Racial Justice

Racial Justice

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

Upcoming Events Get involved!
Learn more about the UMC's "Dismantling Racism" Initiative

United Methodists around the world will gather to pray and lament for the racism in our midst. Hear God's call to join in the work of dismantling racism and pressing on to freedom for all.

On our Bookshelves "By not running from books that pain us, we can allow them to change us." -Ibram Kendi, author of How to Be an Anti-Racist.

Each month, the Social Justice Task Force highlights a series of recommended books to help you grow in understanding and self-awareness on the issue of racial justice. A list of these books can be found here. Additional book recommendations can be found in the suggested resources and links below.

This month we are reading:
"Christ invites us to leave behind the comforts of power and privilege that lure us away from following him to uncomfortable places and, instead, to move with intentionality toward the pain points in our local congregations, communities, denomination, and world. Only then will we effectively interrupt narratives that defend and accommodate racist behavior." -Erin Hawkins, Secretary of the UMC General Commission on Race and Religion.

Where Do I Start? White privilege. Implicit bias. Police brutality. Racial profiling. There is so much to learn about the injustices of race in our nation and our world. As a people who believe that we are all created in the image of God, and yet are deeply aware of our own human errors, where do we begin? Where do we start when we do not yet know what we don't know?

The links below offer a wide variety of resources for those taking the next step in the journey to creating and becoming the anti-racist kingdom of God. They have been organized by time commitment. Whether you are only dipping your toes in the water or are ready to take a deep dive, there are resources available to you.

I have 15 minutes

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh

Listen to a Song (or Two)

Ted Talk: How to Recognize Your White Privilege

Becoming an Anti-Racist Venn Diagram

I have an afternoon

Podcast: Brene Brown with Ibram Kendi on How to be AntiRacist

Choose a Book from the Scribd Anti-Racism Booklist

Watch a Documentary on Race

Watch "13th": A Documentary About Blacks and the US Prison System

I want to go all in

United Methodist Church "United Against Racism"

A Scaffolded Guide to Becoming Anti-Racist

Anti-Racism Resources for White People

White People Challenging Racism Online Workshop

Resources for Families It is never too soon, and your children are never too young, to begin the work of becoming anti-racist. Below you will find a wide variety of resources, broken down by media type, to help you begin to have hard conversations and take steps toward shaping a generation of individuals committed to justice for all of God's children.


Black Lives Matter Instructional Library (With Read-aloud Links)

16 Anti-Racism Books for Young Children

NYT Suggested Books for Explaining Racism and Protest to Kids

Books to Teach White Children and Youth How to Undo Racism and White Supremacy

Movies, Video Clips, and Podcasts

How to Raise Kids to be Anti-Racist: an Interview with Ibram Kendi

Systemic Racism Explained

CNN and Sesame Street Town Hall on Racism

Podcast: Supporting Kids in the Wake of Racialized Violence

Online Resources


Childline: Racism and Racial Bullying

Teaching Tolerance

Wee the People

General Commission on Race and Religion The General Commission on Race and Religion is a United Methodist agency aimed at providing educational resources and learning opportunities on issues of racial justice and faith. The GCRR website contains a wide variety of dynamic content for all ages and stages of faith.