Disability Justice

Disability Justice

Disability is part of the human condition. It is neither good nor bad, it just is. Carter works to better the Church, its language, activities, and spaces for the use and inclusion of people with disabilities.

On our Bookshelves
"Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:14

"There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more." -Robert M Hensel, Guiness World Record holder

Where Do I Start? No body or mind can be left behind. While accommodations and adaptations have become the mainstream in our culture, the work of disability justice has long been ignored. For those who are able-bodied, it can be hard to see beyond a need for ramps or photo-descriptions. Disability justice teaches that All bodies are unique and essential.

All bodies are whole. All bodies have strength and needs that must be met.
We are powerful not despite the complexities of our bodies but because of them.
We move together, with no body left behind.

The links below offer a wide variety of resources for those taking the next step in understanding the need for and steps necessary to achieve disability justice. They have been organized by time commitment. Whether you are only dipping your toes in the water or are ready to take a deep dive, there are resources available to you.

I have 15 minutes

Mental Illness and The United Methodist Church

Disability Justice Timeline

18 Inspiring Netflix Shows Committed to Representing People With Disabilities

What is Disability Justice?

I have an afternoon

That All May Worship, Interfaith Disability Advocacy Coalition

Crip Camp, James Lebrecht and Nicole Newnham (Found on Netflix)

I want to go all in

Disability Justice, POC Online Classroom

NPR, On Disabilities