Pastor's Note

Pastor's Note

Senior Pastor, Rev. Sandra Bonnette-Kim

Usually, summertime is when we take some time off, relax, and slow down. However, this year, it has been the total opposite for me and my family. I began with spending a week preparing for the upcoming year, and then to the Northeast Jurisdictional Conference, mission trip, and preparing for Amanda's wedding. Now that Amanda's wedding and everything else is done, I'm exhausted. Even though I had taken a week off after the wedding, we still had guests around so I didn't have time to relax and recover. As I now look forward to the fall programs, it is already very full and making me anxious. My calendar is already full, and I have no idea when I will have some time to relax and get away from all the responsibilities. So, as my anxiety builds, I am trying to meditate more, go back to walking every day, and, most of all, learning to let things go.

To me letting go is an on-going learning process. I am learning to let go of my children and let them be in charge of their lives as young adults. I'm also learning to let go of small things
and trust that other people are handling things at the church. As I have trusted God throughout my life, I am turning to God once again who is with me, my family, my girls, and this congregation. All I have to do is let go of my fear, for the core of my need to control comes from fear: fear of being hurt, fear of it not working out, fear of making a mistake, and fear
of separation. We all have fears that causes us to do things that harm us and our relationships with others and God. Thus, let us learn to let go and not to live in fear but in the grace of God.

Let us lift each other, trusting one another, believing that God is in control. For we never know what life will bring us but if we live with faith and allow God to be the driver, our lives
will be much more peaceful and a blessing.

Peace and Grace, Pastor Sandra